The Super Noble Brothers
Directed by M. Escribano
Trailer for the documentary The Super Noble Brothers by Mark A. Escribano. Chronicles the adventures and struggles artists, musicians, DJ's and deep record diggers Andy, Tommy and Davey Noble. A beautiful and rollicking investigation into what it takes to live life on your own terms as an artist. An emotional, musical and visual roller coaster ride from start to finish, The Super Noble Brothers is a must see for all artists, musicians and rare music connoisseurs.
Trailer for the documentary The Super Noble Brothers by Mark A. Escribano. Chronicles the adventures and struggles artists, musicians, DJ's and deep record diggers Andy, Tommy and Davey Noble. A beautiful and rollicking investigation into what it takes to live life on your own terms as an artist. An emotional, musical and visual roller coaster ride from start to finish, The Super Noble Brothers is a must see for all artists, musicians and rare music connoisseurs.